Community projects

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Independent Custody Visitors Ongoing

Independent Custody Visitors

Join a dedicated group of volunteers in your borough who visit police custody suites and speak to detainees to ensure fair and equal treatment under the law.

Towns: Acton, Ealing, Greenford, Hanwell, Northolt, Perivale, Southall

West Acton Cherry Tree Walk Delivered

West Acton Cherry Tree Walk

The residents are all keen to chip and do a bit of gardening, but this project is far too big for us to take on ourselves without expertise and funding.

We are very grateful to all funders, including Ealing’s brilliant Transform Your Space fund and the Mayor of London’s Greener City fund.

Towns: Acton, Ealing

Ealing i-Tree – Volunteer Tree Surveyor Delivered

Ealing i-Tree – Volunteer Tree Surveyor

If you would like to apply for a role, please visit our website.

Towns: Acton, Ealing, Greenford, Hanwell, Northolt, Perivale, Southall

Ealing Broadway Volunteer Representative Delivered

Ealing Broadway Volunteer Representative

The Ealing Broadway Representative role is a voluntary position that does not require many hours a month but is a valuable part of the Ealing135 community.

Towns: Acton, Ealing

Acton Junior Parkrun Ongoing

Acton Junior Parkrun

Roles vary from marshals, time keepers, finish token manager, funnel manager, bar code scanners – no experience required!

Town: Acton

Learn, Grow, Share – Westcott Park Gardening Sessions Delivered

Learn, Grow, Share – Westcott Park Gardening Sessions

Westcott Park Community Garden is situated on formerly derelict land in North Acton. In 2012 Groundwork and Catalyst Housing helped local residents transform the site into a community garden and haven for wildlife.

Town: Acton

Do good and get fit with GoodGym Ongoing

Do good and get fit with GoodGym

The tasks are anything from painting to tidying to mulching to constructing a willow dome!

Towns: Acton, Ealing, Greenford, Hanwell, Northolt, Perivale, Southall

Acton 14th Scout Hut and Forest School Delivered

Acton 14th Scout Hut and Forest School

All help with clearance and tidying work. Any donations of benches and chairs. All constructive ideas are very welcome.

Town: Acton

Pitshanger Park Spring Clean Delivered

Pitshanger Park Spring Clean

Everyone welcome, but under 16s must be accompanied by an adult. Please get in touch if you have any mobility requirements. 

Towns: Acton, Ealing, Greenford, Hanwell, Northolt, Perivale, Southall

Volunteer Befriender Ongoing

Volunteer Befriender

Good interpersonal skills, listening skills and empathy required. Volunteers visit on a weekly basis to offer companionship and support.

Towns: Acton, Ealing, Greenford, Hanwell, Northolt, Perivale, Southall

Rugby Road Alleys Delivered

Rugby Road Alleys

Support required: * garden design * weeding * planting * funding for whatever needs to be purchased.

Town: Acton

BEAT 2016 Delivered

BEAT 2016

We look forward to welcoming lots of visitors – please support us!

Towns: Acton, Ealing, Greenford, Hanwell, Northolt, Perivale, Southall