- Email Address:cherrytrees@hhgera.com
Completed Project
Project Date(s): August 2017 to December 2018
We want to create a beautiful, diverse woodland garden with cherry trees and wildflowers in the rundown strip of land that runs between the north and southbound sides of Princes Gardens in West Acton.
After 80 years this land is badly in need of restoration. Many of the trees are dead or dying. It attracts fly tipping and litter becomes trapped in the bushes and undergrowth. In the evenings there is poor visibility and the area is very dark due to the trees and bushes, which are really overgrown and block the street lighting. Though it provides a barrier for the facing houses from pollution and noise, the vegetation is slowly being strangled by ivy and weed.
Our project will involve replacing the dead and dying trees, cutting back the ivy and brambles, and replanting to create an area that is not only beautiful to look at but has significant community benefits in terms of road safety, preventing crime and antisocial behaviour, protecting air quality and promoting biodiversity and environmental sustainability.
We chose a ‘cherry tree’ theme because many of the flowering cherries planted when the Estate was created have already been lost and the others are nearing the end of their natural lives. By renewing the tree stock, we will reflect the history of the Estate, celebrate its contemporary Japanese community and look ahead to the next 80 years. We have consulted local residents via the residents association website www.hhgera.com/gardens-project, delivered flyers and newsletters to everyone who lives on our Estate, and visited every house that overlooks the central reservation personally. By involving local schools, we want to include an educational element and involvement of pupils in eg creating insect hotels that will form part of the design.
Princes Gardens, West Acton, London, UK