- Website:https://ecwns.org.uk/
- Phone Number:07930 378263
- Email Address:office@ecwns.org.uk
Ongoing Project
Ealing Churches Winter Night Shelter run a roving shelter for homeless people in church halls during the winter months. There are 23 different venues, and each gives a few nights hospitality with dinner, bed and breakfast as well as some company.
Each night up to 14 people, referred by the outreach agencies, can get safely off the streets and have a good nights rest. Each person stays with us for up to a month while they try to get their lives into a more stable situation.
If you would like to volunteer, please contact us at office@ecwns.org.uk to accept an available shift in the evenings, overnight or a breakfast shift.
There are volunteering opportunities for vehicle drivers to deliver beds between 8.30am–9.30am.
We particularly need overnight watch volunteers. Overnight, four people stay on site (for insurance reasons, just to ensure all is safe). They take it in turns for two people to sleep for 4 hours (11pm-3am and then 3am-7am). At least one of the volunteers will be an experienced helper who knows the building and can take charge, but we still need more helpers.
Haven Green Baptist Church, Castlebar Rd, London W5 2UU, UK
Shelters in more than 23 venues around the borough of Ealing.