Hooks Amateur Boxing Club Re-Location and Refurbishment

Completed Project

We are seeking to relocate the nationally famous community based Hooks Amateur Boxing Club to a new space in Popes Lane. The new space will be turned into a Boxing Gym with the help of volunteers.

The club’s focus in the community is on Young People, both male and female from 10-25 years of age in the Acton and Ealing areas.

The club has survived and flourished based on high-quality inspirational coaches and successful partnerships, which has ensured that we are in the top 20 English clubs in terms of success and membership levels. Our club has one of the largest membership roles in London Boxing and indeed has a large waiting list, due to our partnership and out-reach work with other agencies, such as the LB Ealing Sport Development Team, who have been of great assistance.

Our coaches, volunteer their time to the boxing club and other activities. However, the increase in opening hours and use by a broad spectrum of users and groups, seeking club or casual use for our intervention work, will also attract new participants to sport and boxing.

The provision of a new Gym and equipment will offer the club and its partners the opportunity to expand our offer of voluntary provision, through more access to voluntary coaching hours and sessions.

Popes Lane Gym (Rear of Old Actonians Sports Club)

Contact Information

Contact Name: Paul King

Email: paulking10@hotmail.co.uk

Website: https://www.hooksboxing.com/

How you can help

Volunteers are required to help convert the new space in Popes Lane into a sporting space to serve the area and its community.

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