7th Hanwell Scout Hall Rebuild
Completed Project

Project Date(s): July 2019
The 7th Hanwell Scout Group has embarked on a mission to raise enough money to rebuild the 50 year old, very dilapidated, scout hut located at the bottom of Trumpers Way, on the edge of Elthorne Park.
Instead of building a small hall with the goal only of benefiting the scout group, the intention is to build something bigger that would support the burgeoning Hanwell population. We envisage the hall serving as a general community space that could be used by many different kinds of groups. The scout group has already raised £18,000, which has paid for the initial architectural plans to be drawn up and other costs associated with our successful planning application (granted in April 2019). We now seek external funding to kickstart a major funding campaign.
7th Hanwell Scout Group - Trumpers Way (Hanwell)