- Contact NamePhilip Alford
Completed Project
Project Date(s): November 2015 to April 2016
The project will directly benefit 8 Ealing wards, recreating a continuous and integrated 8 mile set of paths with information boards encouraging people to experience new areas by healthy means, linking parts of Ealing and London, and helping people get closer to and understand the wildlife and plants in a river environment.
Over the years this infrastructure has been weathered and worn so it needs some renewal and improvement and updating. A few additional information boards are needed but mostly the posts and way markers need renewing.
With the funding, supported by the Brent River and Canal Society and existing volunteering contacts, the project will work within the local community to define new information boards and update the infrastructure for the benefit of future users of the BRP for many years to come.
Ideas for information board locations:
Brent River Park