Emmanuel Church, Southall

Emmanuel Church, Southall

This information was added on 09/12/2022 and last updated on: 21/12/2022

Emmanuel Church provides a warm space free of charge with an accessible entrance, every Wednesday between 12noon-2pm and Sunday between 11am-4pm.

For Wednesdays, we invite people aged over 60 to join us for games, conversations and lunch in a warm space in the Church building. On Sundays, our Church warm space will be for parents and children to have warm space with games, learning, craft and meal.

We provide a range of facilities, amenities and activities including baby changing facilities; free wi-fi and use of computers; workstations for agile working; play equipment and we can provide advice, information or guidance on debt, childcare and food support.

Emmanuel Church, Fleming Road, Southall UB1 3LP, UK

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