Community Support Directory

Search the directory for information, advice and guidance from organisations, support groups and charities in Ealing

Our Community Support Directory is a hub for information, advice, and guidance provided by organisations, support groups, and charities.

Once you’ve determined the kind of assistance you require, simply browse the directory using the categories and search terms, or create a printable shortlist. From there, you’ll be able to reach out to the right people for support.

Please note: Although all the organisations listed here are known to Ealing Council, by using the directory and contacting organisations directly, your support will not be managed through the council.

Add your listing to our community support directory

Create an account to add your voluntary and community organisations to our directory. If you already have an account, login to update a listing




Account registrations are subject to approval and access to add or edit listings will only be granted to the person or persons who have authority to update information on behalf of the relevant organisation.