- Phone Number:07793 707440
- Email Address:kelita@feedmegood.co.uk
- Contact NameKelita Wood
Completed Project
Project Date(s): September 2018 to December 2018
Feed Me Good will work with 2 London estates that are experiencing major regeneration work. Many residents of Aylesbury and South Acton Gardens Estates face high unemployment, poor health outcomes, isolation, and are culturally diverse communities. We will work to increase residents’ life choices; collect residents’ memories of food and home to produce a Heritage Cookery Book and support the development of relationships to build a strong, positive community.
• Residents will meet FMG ‘in their communities’ via outreach
• FMG will take time to know residents and understand their needs
• FMG will work with these communities to build a foundation of trust that will result in strong relationships, allowing for co-production
• New and old residents will have the opportunity to get to know each other, build friendships and create an honest and robust support network
• Communities will feel closer by celebrating differences and appreciating commonalities
What we’ll deliver:
Why it’s a great idea:
Feed Me Good have been working in both locations for over the last 3 years; bringing communities together through our specially tailored workshops that are aimed to develop, empower & produce independence. Aylesbury & South Acton are both disadvantaged areas and undergoing Regeneration works. Feed Me Good wants to ensure that these communities are given the best opportunities to be strong and resilient whilst their homes are disrupted, their areas and neighbours change. Living on the Aylesbury Estate by Social Life (commissioned by Notting Hill Housing) – Many people living on the Aylesbury Estate are on very low incomes, and unemployment is higher than the Southwark average. Residents tend to stick to the parts of the estate they live in or use regularly. Many longer-standing residents voice regret about the loss of community ties. Many households are living in poverty, 39% of people interviewed in the resident’s survey had a household income of between £7,001 & £14,000 a year.
Steps to get it done:
Hire The Age Exchange (Reminiscence Experts)
Develop an Outreach Strategy, Volunteer Programme and Befriending Scheme
Work in partnership with London Southbank University
Work in partnership with East Market Traders for FMG Reward Packs
Shape workshops to residents needs
Collect memories and favourite recipes from each workshop to include in the Heritage Recipe Book
Periodical Reports to show progress
End of Year Report
• Residents will feel empowered to make positive & informed choices around their lives
• Residents’ confidence & skills base will be improved
• Residents’ sense of isolation & loneliness will be reduced
• Residents will be inspired to help others through volunteering Friendships & Loneliness – “more than 9 million people always or often feel lonely, around 200,000 older people have not had a conversation with a friend or relative in more than a month and up to 85% of young disabled adults (18-34 year olds) feel lonely”. “Weak social connection is as harmful to health as smoking 15 cigarettes a day” ~ https://www.jocoxloneliness.org/
This is a time for utilising &celebrating change. However, we must be mindful of the risks that regeneration projects can be to communities if the focus falls just on the physical changes in an area. There must be a balance with attention also being given to ensuring there is a ‘sense of community’ and opportunities that can allow residents to thrive.
South Acton and Aylesbury Estate