How to look after your local heritage
The borough of Ealing is full of history, and has many sites that are on the local heritage list.
Street parties have been held across the UK for nearly a hundred years. They are a great way to get to know your neighbours and build a real community spirit where you live. Hosting a street party is easier than you think, follow these simple steps and give it a try.
Getting startedÂ
There are a few administrative things you will need to do in advance of setting up the folding tables and hanging up the bunting.
To start with you will need to knock on your neighbours doors and see if they are interested in attending a street party. Explain your reasons for having it and how it will help you all get to know each other.
Once you have the neighbours on side and have rallied some support, email Ealing Council’s events team at events@ealing.gov.uk and transportplanningservice@ealing.gov.uk to arrange for the closure of your road. If you cannot close your road, because it is a main traffic route, then consider hosting a smaller ‘street meet’ using any off-road space available, like front gardens or driveways.
The admin bit
There are a few things you will need to do before you are allowed to host a street party. Use these handy guides to help:
Street party application form – We have produced a simple form for you to use to let the council know about your plans, giving you more time to get on with the real work of organising a fun event.
Risk assessment – We have produced a simple guide and template to help you with completing a risk assessment and considering potential risks at your event.
Public liability – By law you don’t have to buy insurance for a voluntary or community event but it’s a good idea to make sure you are covered in case something goes wrong and someone makes a claim against you.
Licensing – You will need to contact the council’s licensing team at licensing@ealing.gov.uk to check if you need any form of events licence for the street party. Most events selling alcohol, serving food or providing entertainment will need a temporary licence.
The fun bit
Once you know you have all the permissions you need, the fun bit starts. Get as many people involved as you can. By getting your neighbours to help with promoting the party, the food, tables and even the decorating – you help them feel involved and cut down your workload.
Hang out the bunting – and have a great street party.